Friday, May 31, 2019

Hamlet :: essays research papers

William Shakespeare&8217s crossroads is a play full of sorrow and excitement, its full of board andincest. The play has a large amount of betrayal and the person supplying most of that is Claudius,the king and Hamlets uncle. Claudius is cold-hearted, full of hate, and a coward. He is the kingbut, the ironic involvement about that is he should not be and as Hamlet is the prince, the death of his fathershould put him at the throne.The play starts off with a tense setting, as the guards have seen a ghost that looks like the oldking or Hamlets father who they believed had died of a snake bite. This is the showing of the firstcruel deed Claudius has done, the lecturer does not know yet but Claudius is the reason that KingHamlet dies. The reader knows that it is Claudius when Hamlet encounters the ghost and the ghosttells Hamlet, &8220Thus I was sleeping, by a brothers hand, of life, at chapiter, of queen, at oncedispatch&8217d.(1) The meaning of the ghost&8217s quote is that he is te lling Hamlet that Claudius killedhim when he was asleep and that he took his crown and his queen. This is the first time the readerreally knows that Claudius is cold-hearted and ruthless. After Hamlet heard this, he held a play where the murder of his father is reacted in a scene,that Hamlet himself designed. The purpose of this was to see Claudius&8217s reaction to the scene toprove if Claudius is the real murderer or not. After Claudius sees the play he storms out of the stage frighten and surprised. Claudius then prays to heaven for forgiveness of his sins since he knows thatHamlet has figured out what he has done, he does this so he will not get send to hell. Claudius says,&8220My words fly up, my thoughts remain below Words without thoughts never to heaven go.(2) Heis praying for forgiveness but he is not sorry, he just doesn&8217t want to get sent to hell and that is whatthe quote is saying, since he is not sorry his words remain below, or on Earth. This further proveshow cold -hearted Claudius is, he has killed his brother, interpreted his crown, taken his wife, has beendiscovered, and he still does not feel guilty at all about what he has done.Claudius now knows that Hamlet has figured him out and what he has done, so Claudiusplans to send Hamlet away to England with a note for the king of England to have Hamlet killed.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Of Castles And Kings (chess) :: essays research papers

Of Castles and queen mole ratsChess, which is believed to have originated in India, has come a long way since its earliest record and perhaps crazy history. Since its origin, chess has undergone a few changes. One of the biggest changes in chess is the switch from classical openings to a new style referred to as hypermodern openings. Before you can understand this change, you must tell apart about the history, rules, and strategy of chess.There are many theories about the origination of chess. The most popular idea is that it originated from the plot Chaturanga, once thought to be Chinese Checkers, but now is believed to be of Indian Origin (from India, the country). According to Eastern Legend, Chaturanga was invented by a man named Sissa. Sissa was a Brahman at the Court of King Balhait of India. King Balhait was tired of dice games that depended primarily on luck and chance, so he staged his wise men to come up with a game that depended on a players judgement and skill. Siss a took an eight by eight grid of sixty-four squares, which back then in India was called an Ashtapada Board, and checkered it with with colors. The pieces he mathematical functiond were based on the four categories of the Indian army The elephants, the cavalry, the chariots and the infantry. He also used the King and his chief counselor. Sissa made the rules so that you have to use strategy and skill in order to win. The King was very pleased with this new game. It reduced luck and chance to a small role. He ordered that it be played in every temple as training in the art of war. Chaturanga spread Eastward to China, and on the way over there, it was change into Siang KI, which is Chinese Chess. Chinese Chess is played on the points, rather than the squares. Chinese Chess traveled through Korea to Japan, where it transformed into Shogi, also known as The Generals Game. Chess also traveled Westward to Persia there it was known as Shatranj. The Moors brought the game into Spain in th e eighth deoxycytidine monophosphate, from their traders took it to Russia. It wasnt until the 15th century that Chess began to resemble the game we have now, with a Queen instead of the Kings counselor and Rooks, Knights, Bishops, and Pawns instead of elephants, cavalry, chariots and infantry.Is it possible that chess is a violent or evil game?

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

God and the Absolute Law :: Religion Theology

beau ideal and the inviolable LawThis vast universe, which we understand so little of, is governed by a set of rules and principles which were laid mess since the dawn of time. The universe was created by immortal and it is He who laid down these rules. It is also He who created time and then created life out of nothingness. While doing so, He also instructed us how to spend our lives and told us what is effective and what is wrong. In other words, He told us what to do and what not to do, and we, each and everyone of us, is bound to concur and delay by these rules. Culture and race is irrelevant these fair plays ar impregnable and are meant for everyindividual. One of the laws and/or rules tells us that the human body and the soul is not our own and we have no right to reproach it in any way.We do not own them since it is not us who gave them form but it is God who gave them to us for a finite period of time. We order this human life and it is our natural instinct to sa ve ourselves from any harm. It is every mans invariant will to survive. This is a form of an inviolate law which governs our every action. It cannot be called a fabricationof mankind because ever since the dawn of time, every human existence has fought for his/her own survival. It is ingrained into our nature to try to shelter ourselves. So it must be absolute. Theft is another aspect of life which is governed by an absolute law. God gave us life and he provides for each and everyone of us. He bestows us with what we merit nothing more, nothing less. And He told us that we have no right to slip ones mind anything from anyone else because it does not belong to us and was not meant for us. This concept, that larceny some elses property is bad, is also included in mankinds nature. And therefore it is an absolute law. Examples of thieves and robbers do not refute the existence of the absolute law because they are just people who do nothave a strong imprint in themselves. They f ail to realize that they have everything they deserve and that they should be thankful for what they do have.God and the Absolute Law Religion TheologyGod and the Absolute LawThis vast universe, which we understand so little of, is governed by a set of rules and principles which were laid down since the dawn of time. The universe was created by God and it is He who laid down these rules. It is also He who created time and then created life out of nothingness. While doing so, He also instructed us how to spend our lives and told us what is right and what is wrong. In other words, He told us what to do and what not to do, and we, each and everyone of us, is bound to concur and abide by these rules. Culture and race is irrelevant these laws are absolute and are meant for everyindividual. One of the laws and/or rules tells us that the human body and the soul is not our own and we have no right to harm it in any way.We do not own them since it is not us who gave them form but it is God who gave them to us for a finite period of time. We value this human life and it is our natural instinct to save ourselves from any harm. It is every mans constant will to survive. This is a form of an absolute law which governs our every action. It cannot be called a fabricationof mankind because ever since the dawn of time, every human being has fought for his/her own survival. It is ingrained into our nature to try to protect ourselves. So it must be absolute. Theft is another aspect of life which is governed by an absolute law. God gave us life and he provides for each and everyone of us. He bestows us with what wedeserve nothing more, nothing less. And He told us that we have no right to steal anything from anyone else because it does not belong to us and was not meant for us. This concept, that stealing some elses property is bad, is also included in mankinds nature. And therefore it is an absolute law. Examples of thieves and robbers do not refute the existence of the a bsolute law because they are just people who do nothave a strong belief in themselves. They fail to realize that they have everything they deserve and that they should be thankful for what they do have.

Essay --

A person that avoids any animal products, as in any meats or animal-derived foods is considered a vegetarian. This is the general classification of a vegetarian. It is a challenge to classify a vegetarian many variations were created to suit certain diets. Lactovegetarians be vegetarians that consume milk and dairy products. Ovo-vegetarians eat eggs but no dairy products, and some do consume honey. Lacto-ovo-vegetarians exclude meats and seafoods but consume dairy products and eggs. The lacto-ovo-vegetarian eating number also consists of legumes, seeds and nuts. Vegans are the only pure vegetarians they exclude all animal derived foods. There are also people that classify themselves as near vegetarians, for good example macrobiotic diets. The macrobiotic diet consists mostly grains, legumes and vegetables and limited amounts of fish. There is also an instance where people will adopt existence a vegetarian occasionally this is called being a flexitarian. Appropriately planned veg etarian diets can be essential to any one, in any stage of their life. Vegetarian diets are associated with unhorse risks of cancer, death from ischemic marrow squash disease or any cardiovascular disease. Also lower body mass index (BMI), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, low blood pressure and lower rates of hypertension than those of which are non-vegetarians. Kidney and liver conditions can tell a person whether or not adopting a vegetarian diet can be instrumental for their conditions. Those that exhibit lower levels of protein, phosphorus, sodium, manganese, and have an abundant amount of zinc and potassium are dampen suited to diets that focuses on meats, those that show signs of the opposite levels, are better suited to adopt vegetarianism. However it ... ...results in longer lives. There are many factors to why some want be vegetarians. Many believe that it is more ethical to become vegetarian. That warm-blooded animals being slaughtered have emotions and c onnections and are sacrificed to satisfy the decedent meat eating lifestyle. Or let it be that we are musical accompaniment many genetically modified crops and feeding them to the animals we eat only supporting an artificial lifecycle. Many vegetarians are born into the lifestyle most people from India are vegetarians because of the animals they worship. It is called the Asian Indian diets, which is predominantly lacto-vegetarian. Many choose the lifestyle because of health concerns and concerns of the environment that we are a product of our environment. What ever we take from the world or put into it is the reason there are so many health problems, like a circle of life.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Free Essays - The Themes of Oedipus the King (Rex) :: Oedipus the King Oedipus Rex

The Themes of Oedipus the King     In the play Oedipus the King, by Sophocles, two themes appear one that humans have little view as of their lives because fate always catches up with them and the theme that when someone makes a mistake, they will have to pay for it.   The theme that the lives of humans are controlled by the gods, in Oedipus, depict that everything humans do are futile and result in no gain but only loss. This theme is mainly shown by the character Oedipus, fairy of Thebes. In the beginning of his life, Laius the king planned to kill his son by leaving him on Mount Cithaeron to die. the moment I was your savior.   From the very beginning, Oedipus was destined to process Apollos prophecy of killing his father. Even though King Lauis tries to kill Oedipus to stop the fulfillment of this shameful prophecy, fate drives the Corinthian messenger to save Oedipus. What the gods fortell will rally true and no human can stop it from ha ppening, not even the kings. Oedipus is once again controlled by this power when he leaves the place of his child punk after he hears that he is to kill his father and marry his mother. I shall shrink from find the the murderer of Laius...You are the murderer... Oedipus tried to stop the prophecy from attack true by leaving Corinth and only fate can make Oedipus turn to the road where he kills his true father. Leaving Corinth makes Oedipus lose his childhood by making him worry of such issues young people should not have to worry about and becoming a king of a strange land. lead of all, Oedipus carries the last part of the prophecy out, marrying his mother. I would... never have been cognize as my mothers husband. Oedipus has no control over the outcome of his life. Fate causes Oedipus to have known the answer to the Sphinxs riddle and win his marriage to his mother, Jocasta. Had fate not intervened, the chances of marrying Jocasta would have been small since there is an enourmous number of people and places to go. Oedipus loses his sense of dignity after he discovers he is not only a murderer, but also that he had committed incest.

Free Essays - The Themes of Oedipus the King (Rex) :: Oedipus the King Oedipus Rex

The Themes of Oedipus the King     In the play Oedipus the King, by Sophocles, two themes appear one that gentles have little control of their lives because fate always catches up with them and the theme that when someone makes a mistake, they will have to pay for it.   The theme that the lives of humans be controlled by the gods, in Oedipus, show that everything humans do are futile and result in no gain but single loss. This theme is mainly shown by the character Oedipus, great power of Thebes. In the beginning of his life, Laius the king planned to kill his son by go away him on Mount Cithaeron to die. the moment I was your savior.   From the very beginning, Oedipus was destined to fulfill Apollos prodigy of killing his father. sluice though King Lauis tries to kill Oedipus to stop the fulfillment of this shameful prophecy, fate drives the Corinthian messenger to save Oedipus. What the gods fortell will come true and no human can stop it from happening, not even the kings. Oedipus is once again controlled by this power when he leaves the place of his child hood after he hears that he is to kill his father and marry his mother. I shall shrink from find the the murderer of Laius...You are the murderer... Oedipus tried to stop the prophecy from coming true by leaving Corinth and only fate can make Oedipus turn to the road where he kills his true father. Leaving Corinth makes Oedipus lose his childhood by making him worry of much(prenominal) issues young people should not have to worry about and becoming a king of a strange land. Last of all, Oedipus carries the last part of the prophecy out, marrying his mother. I would... never have been known as my mothers husband. Oedipus has no control over the outcome of his life. Fate causes Oedipus to have known the answer to the Sphinxs riddle and coax his marriage to his mother, Jocasta. Had fate not intervened, the chances of marrying Jocasta woul d have been small since there is an enourmous number of people and places to go. Oedipus loses his sense of dignity after he discovers he is not only a murderer, but also that he had committed incest.

Monday, May 27, 2019

A Civil Action: Witness Evaluation

In the book, A Civil Action, by Jonathan Harr, a complainants attorney is c entirelyed upon to prove that a cluster of cancer deaths in a town called Woburn were driftd by the pollution of city wet wells by factories owed by two corporate entities, Beatrice, and Grace.The liability phase of the trial, separate from the proximate cause trial entailed testimony presented to prove or disprove that the factories in question were responsible for the bearing of carcinogenic chemicals in the citys well water. Thus, the witnesses were all presented to prove or disprove this allegation.The tannery owned by Beatrice and the factory owned by Grace both were in proximity to the wells, and both are asseverate to have illegally and irresponsibly dumped a dangerous chemical, TCE on the premises, leading to the contamination of the wells.While the plaintiffs witnesses were not entirely convincing, they, along with the cross-examination of the defendants witnesses, provided commensurate proof by preponderance of the evidence to find both companies liable.The plaintiff began by establishing the fact of illegal dumping on both sites. He called legion(predicate) long-time residents of Woburn, who testified to witnessing the dumping or venting of whitish-grey powder, barrels, and foul-smelling sludge on the grounds around the city by the factories.(305) Coupled with photographs of abandoned barrels and run off heap on the land in question, the plaintiff established to a reasonable degree of certainty that the tannery was dumping chemicals on the land. As a hostile witness, the plaintiff also called John Reiley, the manager of the Tannery.(306)He vehemently denied any dumping, but was unable to explain the destruction of records for a 10-year period relevant to the illustration.(313) Despite documentation that be otherwise, he denied being warned slightly dumping by the state health agent, A.C. Bolde. (306).Rileys demeanor and denial of evidence before him made him extrem ely hard to believe. It was his testimony, in the mien rendered, that most hurt Beatrice.The Plaintiff also called several experts on soil and groundwater behavior. The first of these was a soil expert named Mr. Drobinski. (303) He testified to the presence of the TCE in the soil.The defense established on cross-examination that Drobinski had misreported the date his Masters Degree was conferred. (304)Since they did not attack the aggregate of his testimony, only his credibility in an divergent manner, his word that the TCE did enter the soil stood undisputed.The second expert that the plaintiff called, a hydrologist named Dr. Pinder (325) fared less well in the area of credibility. He did testify to the manner in which the toxins got from the factories property to the citys wells, but was caught out as incorrect on his theory as to why the Aberjona River did not cause the contamination.The substance of his testimony was rendered neutral by the constant back-and-forth on cross e xamination. (327-337) Only his testimony that the contamination could have reached the wells from the factory properties survived intact. Given what the other witnesses had to say, this averment went largely unchallenged in any case.In their case against Grace in particular, the plaintiff called Frank McCann, an employee who admitted that the Grace factory used TCE in quantities of about a half-gallon a day. (317) Though he vehemently denied dumping the waste, he could provide no alternative explanation for its disappearance.Tom Barbas, another Grace employee, admitted to placing waste on the ground outside the factory (318). He further admitted witnessing other employees dumping buckets of unknown material on the land. These witnesses effectively established that Grace was dumping waste on the land, and that it was probable that TCE was part of that waste.Despite the plaintiffs witnesses, they were still left with a weak case in terms of connecting the poisoned well water to the f actories in question. Having established that both companies dumped the waste, the plaintiffs did not satisfactorily explain the transfer of the toxins from the land to the Citys wells.Cross-examination of the defenses witnesses brought that issue to light, and strengthened the Plaintiffs case more than that of the defendants. Beatrice called Thomas Mernin, the Wobern City engineer, to dispute the presence of toxins in the wells. (342)He ended up convincing the jury that he had incompetently left the wells idle despite their danger, and even recommending a new well in the same area. His testimony did nothing to ease the allegation that the wells were poisoned. (343)

Sunday, May 26, 2019

What is enlightenment?

If the mind actually makes perception, this brings about the question whether the outcome has anything to do with the world, or if so, what level. The response to the question, vague, confusing or unusual as it was, made for continuous perturb both(prenominal) in Kants idea and for a posterity essay to figure him out. To the point that knowledge fully depends on the organization of the mind and non on the world, knowledge would have no connection to the world and is non even true representation, just a solipsistic or intersubjective fantasy. Kantianism looks threatened with the doctrine that we know in our own psychology, not external things.Kant said, in consistent with psychologism that we ind healthyingly do not know about things as they exist apart from perception. At the aforesaid(prenominal) time Kant thought he was trying to defend both a scientific certainism, where acquisition really knows the world, and a moral realism, where there is objective moral obligation, f or both of which a connection to external existence is essential for enlightenment. Kant believed that rational structure of the mind reflects the rational structure of the world, even of things-in-themselves that the operating system of the processor, through modern analogy, matched the operating system of reality.But Kant had no real argument for this, that is, the ideas of reason just become postulates of morality as well as his system leaves it as something which is unproved. The paradoxes of the efforts of Kant to reconcile some of his conflicting approaches and requirements made it genuinely difficult for the philosophers who came later to take the overall system seriously. Nonetheless, Kant does all kinds of things that seem most appropriate for a non-reductionistic philosophical system and that later philosophy has had trouble doing at all.Kant was able to provide, in phenomenal reality, for a sphere for science that was distinct and separate from anything that would end up relating to enlightenment. The endless confusion as well as conflict which still results from people trying to figure out whether or enlightenment should fit together is fully avoided by Kant, who can say, for instance, that immortal and divine creation cannot be part of any truly scientific theory due to the fact both involve unconditioned realities, while science can only deal with conditioned realities.In the world, everything affects any other thing, but God is free of any external causal influences. At the same time, Kant can be a phenomenal determinist with science and yet simultaneously allow for freedom and that in a way that will not be entirely explicable to us, a virtue when the very idea of a rational and purposive freedom, and not just subjective choices, but withal has involved obscurities that no one has been able to enlighten. Kants theory tries to prevent psychological explanations for behavior, however enlightening, being apply to excuse moral responsibility an d accountability.Thus, the disastrous puerility of the defendant, as much as it may be touching and understandable, cannot, to some extent, excuse crimes committed in full knowledge of their significance (Kant 94). The approach used by Kant is also of comparative interest because of the similar ancient Pastors philosophical distinction between conditioned realities, that mostly means that the world of experience, and unconditioned realities, which interestingly include, not only the sphere of salvation, but also space, which of course for Kant was a form imposed a priori on experience by the mind.The problems which must be sorted out with Kant are at the same time formidable. Most crucial is the confusion which results from Kant mixing together two entirely different theories in the Critique of Pure Reason. The first theory explains that the fundamental activity of the mind which is referred to as synthesis, is an activity of thought which applies certain concepts to a previously gi ven perceptual datum from experience.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

How Macbeth changes throughout the play Essay

Macbeth starts off as a truly proud honourable man who is very loyal to the king. Macbeth must be trust worthy and looked up to as everyone is telling the king how well he has fought for Scotland, you can tell this by the master key saying yes, as sparrows, eagles, or the h atomic number 18, the lion.If I say sooth, I must report they were as cannons over charged with double cracks so they doubled and intensify strokes upon the foe. This means they put twice as many strokes on the enemy with his sword.Act1 scene3 is the commencement exercise time we hear macbeth speak, his first words are the same as the witches words in act1 scene1 so foul and fair day I have not seen As the witches speak he is slow changing, I recover he is thinking that it cant be true but he really wants it to. When Ross tells Macbeth he is thane of cawdor he cannot believe it, he is starting to believe the witches he tests Ross the thane of candour lives. Why do you dress me in borrowed robesMacbeth is sta rting to live that there is a mishap the witches are correct. If chance will have me king,why chance may crown me without stirIn scene 5 Macbeth is home ,his first words are Duncan comes here tonight This means that he hasw perspective about the situation again and again I also he has thought about killing him.Ww start to see Macbeth weaken as he starts to think of the concequences.He is no longer the brave, furious man he has changed, he is now starting to think.Lady macbeth starts to call Macbeth names such as a coward and slowly seduces macbeth to changr his mind.I have done the deed Macbeth says this is a voice of worry, regret and this suggests disbelief.He starts to question did thoust not a noise he is flavour for reasurance he is scared. This is not the Macbeth we know.He starts to question himself To know my deed, twere best not know myself.He plays it very well asif he doesnt know what has happened.He slays the servants to make it look like it was not him.He is not man enough to kill banquo himself so he has murderers do it for him. In one speech he talks about him and banquo,he gives illuminate insructions to do it properly or else ill kill you.When Macbeth findsn out they did not suceed he is infuriated. Macbeth sees banquos ghost in his armchair and asked who put him there, his head is naked?He is hallucinating,Lady Macbeth tries to stabilise him down but she cant he is to scared, he is not man enough to face his problems.As a result of this experiance he decides to return to the witches.The first aparrition says beware Mc Duff tahne of fifeMacbeth thinks but cant really make any sense of it.He gets anxious had I three ears, I here thee.He is ruling as high as a kite as none of woman born shall harm him he feels super, on top of the world, he knows he can be as ruthless as he pleases.He is even more careless now as cthe woods can never act so far. He is now so strong assured and confident it is almost unreal.Macbeth has McDuffs family kille d this shows how ruthless he is now.After a long bunk we next see him in act5.He finds out that the army are coming he asks for his armour, he tells them hell fight them all, he is extremeley confident.He finds out that the woods are coming closer and he is effected tremendously, at this time there is only one life line left.He finds out lady macberth is dead he takes a minute but is not that bothered, hes concentrating on his battle ahead.He kills young siward and brags that he was woman born and he laughs at swords. Macbeth hears turn hell hound turn ,at this time hes thinking oh my god, he says none of woman born shall harm macbeth. McDuff says McDuff was from his mothers womb untimeley ripped at this time macbeth realises that he is going to die.He refuses to fight but McDuff tells him he will be put on show in scotland so he rises and fights.At this omen we see the old macbeth the strong, brave, lion hearted, heroic macbeth we have always known.McDuff kills macbeth , but I do nt think macbeth would of wanted to die any other way as he was fighting.I think the witches told him one thing that meant something else but Macbeth was all braun and no brain.He changes in this play many times from good to severe to brave to loyal to deciving.He ends the play by dying in style.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Importance of Colloidal Dispersion in Pharmacy

Importance of colloidal dispersion in pharmacy Pharmaceutical Applications of colloids Colloids atomic number 18 extensively apply for modifying the properties of pharmaceutical agents. The most common property that is affected is the solubility of a drug . However, colloidal forms of many drugs exhibits substantially incompatible properties when compared with traditional forms of these drugs. trusted medicinals have been bring to possess unusual or increased therapeutic properties when formulated in the colloidal state. other important pharmaceutical application of colloid is their use as drug pitch system. The most often used colloid type drug rake systems include hydrogels, microspheres, microemulsions, liposomes, micelles, nanoparticles and nanocrystals. Here we mention the main characteristics of each colloidal delivery system. Hydrogels Hydrogel is a colloidal gel in which water is the dispersion medium. It ( in any case called aquagel) is a network of polymer chains t hat are hydrophilic, sometimes form as a colloidal gel in which water is the dispersion medium.Hydrogels are highly absorbent (they shadower contain over 99% water) graphic or synthetic polymers. Hydrogels give carewise possess a degree of flexibility very similar to natural tissue, callable to their signifi privyt water content. These hydrogels have the ability to sense changes of pH, temperature, or the dousing of metabolite and release their load as result of much(prenominal) a change native and synthetic hydrogels are used for wound healing, as scaffolds in tissue engineering, and as sustained- release delivery systems.When used as scaffolds for tissue engineering, hydrogels may contain human cells to stimulate tissue repair, since they are loaded with pharmaceutical ingredients, hydrogels allow a sustained drug release. Light-sensitive, pressure- responsive, and electro-sensitive hydrogels also have the potential to be used in drug delivery. Environmentally sensitiv e hydrogels include slow resolution time, limited biocompatibility, and biodegradability. Hydrogel used as sustained-release drug delivery systems. it return absorption, desloughing and debriding capacities of necrotics and fibrotic tissue. ydrogels that are responsive to specific molecules, such as glucose or antigens can be used as biosensors, as well as in DDS. Also used in disposable diapers where they capture urine, or in sanitary napkins, contact lenses (silicone hydrogels, polyacrylamides). medical exam electrodes using hydrogels composed of cross-linked polymers (polyethylene oxide, polyAMPS and polyvinylpyrrolidone). hydrogel used as water gel explosives, rectal drug delivery and diagnosis. Other, little common uses include, breast implants, granules for holding soil moisture in arid areas, dressings for healing of burn or other hard-to-heal wounds.Wound gels are excellent for helping to create or maintain a moist environment, reservoirs in topical drug delivery partic ularly ionic drugs, delivered by iontophoresis (see ion exchange resin), Common ingredients are e. g. polyvinyl alcohol, sodium polyacrylate, acrylate polymers and copolymers with an abundance of hydrophilic groups. Natural hydrogel materials are being investigated for tissue engineering these materials include agarose, methylcellulose, hyaluronan, and other naturally derived polymers. However if the achievements of the sometime(prenominal) can be extrapolated into the future, it is likely that responsive hydrogels with a widely array of desirable properties will be forthcoming. Microparticles Microparticles are modest loaded microspheres of natural or synthetic polymers. Microparticles was initially developed as carriers for vaccines and anti-cancer drugs. More recently, fiction properties of Microparticles have been developed to increase the efficiency of drug delivery and improve release profiles and drug targeting.Several investigations have focused on the development of met hods of reducing the uptake of the nanoparticles by the cells of the reticuloendothelial system and prove their uptake by the targeted cells. Functional surface coatings of non-biodegradable carboxylated polystyrene or biodegradable poly (D,L- lactide-co-glycolide) microspheres with poly(L-lysine)-g-poly (ethylene glycol) (PLL-g-PEG) were investigated in attempts to shield them from nonspecific phagocytosis and to allow ligand- specific interactions via molecular recognisition.It was found that coatings of PLL-g-PEG- ligand conjugates provided for the specific targeting of microspheres to human blood- derived macrophages and dendritic cells while reducing non- specific phagocytosis. Microparticles can also be used to facilitate nontraditional routes of drug arrangement. It was found that Microparticles can be used to improve immunization using the mucosal route of administration of therapeutics. It was found in this study that mucosal route of administration of therapeutics can translocate to tissues in the systemic compartment of the immune system and provoke immunological reactions. Micro & Nano-EmulsionsMicroemulsions are excellent candidates as potential drug delivery systems because of their improved drug solubilization, long shelf life, and ease of preparation and administration. Three distinct Microemulsions- oil external, water external, and middle phase- can be used for drug delivery, depending upon the type of the dug and the site of action. In production line to Microparticles, which demonstrate distinct differences between the outer shell and substance, microemulsions are usually formed with more or less homogeneous particles. Microemulsions are use for controlled release and targeted delivery of different pharmaceutics agents.For instance, microemulsions were used to deliver oligonucleotides (small fragments of DNA) specifically to ovarian cancer cells. In contrast to microemulsions, Nanoemulsions consist in very fine oil-in-water dispersion s, having droplets diameter smaller than 100 nm. Compared to microemulsions, they are in a meta stable state, and their structure depends on the history of the system. Nanoemulsions are very fragile systems. The nanoemulsions can find applications in skin care due to their good sensorial properties (rapid penetration, merging textures) and their biophysical properties (especially their hydrating power).Liposomes Liposomes consist of an outer uni or multilamellar tissue layer and an interior liquid core. In most cases liposomes are formed with natural or synthetic phospholipids similar to those in cellular plasma membrane, because of this similarity, liposomes are slowly utilized by cells. Liposomes can be loaded by pharmaceutical or other ingredients by two principal ways Lipophilic substances can be associated with liposomal membrane, and hydrophilic substances can be dissolved in the inner liquid core of liposomes.To decrease uptake by the cells of the reticuloendothelial syste m and/or enhance their uptake by the targeted cells, the membrane of liposomes can be modified by polymeric chains and/or targeting moieties or antibodies specific to the targeted cells, because they are relatively flaccid to prepare, biodegradable, and non- toxic, liposomes have found numerous applications as drug delivery systems. Liposomes are of colloidal dimensions and are preferentially taken up by the liver and spleen. Hence, normal of colloids is also used in targeted drug delivery system. Liposomes are used for drug delivery due to their unique properties.A liposome encapsulates a region on sedimentary solution inside a hydrophobic membrane dissolved hydrophilic solutes cannot readily pass through the lipids. Hydrophobic chemicals can be dissolved into the membrane, and in this way liposome can carry both hydrophobic molecules and hydrophilic molecules. To deliver the molecules to sites of action, the lipid bilayer can fuse with other bilayers such as the cell membrane, gum olibanum delivering the liposome contents. By making liposomes in a solution of DNA or drugs (which would normally be unable to diffuse through the membrane) they can be (indiscriminately) delivered past the lipid bilayer.There are three types of liposomes MLV (multilamellar vesicles) SUV (Small Unilamellar Vesicles) and LUV (Large Unilamellar Vesicles). These are used to deliver different types of drugs. Liposomes are used as models for artificial cells. Liposomes can also be intentional to deliver drugs in other ways. Liposomes that contain low (or high) pH can be constructed such that dissolved aqueous drugs will be charged in solution (i. e. , the pH is outside the drugs pI range). As the pH naturally neutralizes within the liposome (protons can pass through some membranes), the drug will also be neutralized, allowing it to freely pass through a membrane.These liposomes work to deliver drug by diffusion rather than by direct cell fusion. Another strategy for liposome drug delivery is to target endocytosis events. Liposomes can be made in a particular size range that makes them viable targets for natural macrophage phagocytosis. These liposomes may be digested while in the macrophages phagosome, thus releasing its drug. Liposomes can also be decorated with opsonins and ligands to activate endocytosis in other cell types. The use of liposomes for geological fault or transfection of DNA into a host cell is known as lipofection.In addition to gene and drug delivery applications, liposomes can be used as carriers for the delivery of dyes to textiles, pesticides to plants, enzymes and nutritional supplements to foods, and cosmetics to the skin. Another interesting property of liposomes is their natural ability to target cancer. The endothelial wall of all legal human blood vessels is encapsulated by endothelial cells that are bound together by tight junctions. These tight junctions stop any large particles in the blood from leaking out of the vessel.Tum our vessels do not contain the same level of seal between cells and are diagnostically leaky. This ability is known as the Enhanced Permeability and Retention effect. Liposomes of certain sizes, typically less than 200 nm, can rapidly enter tumour sites from the blood, but are kept in the bloodstream by the endothelial wall in healthy tissue vasculature. Anti-cancer drugs such as Doxorubicin (Doxil), Camptothecin and Daunorubicin (Daunoxome) are currently being marketed in liposome delivery systems. Micelles Micelles are similar to liposomes but they do not have an inner liquid compartment.Therefore they can be used as water- soluble biocompatible micro containers for the delivery of poorly soluble hydrophobic pharmaceuticals. Similar to liposomes their surface can be modified with antibodies (immunomicelles) or other targeting moieties providing the ability of micelles to specifically interact with their antigens. One type of micelles pluronic block copolymers, are recognized as ph armaceutical excipients listed in the U. S and British Pharmacopoeia. They have been extensively used in a variety of pharmaceutical formulations including delivery of low molecular mass drugs, polypeptides, and DNA.Furthermore, Pluronic block copolymers are varied molecules that can be used as structural elements of polycation- based gene delivery system. Nanoparticles Nanocapsules are sub-microscopic colloidal carrier systems composed of an oily or an aqueous core surrounded by a thin polymer membrane. Nanoparticles are the colloidal particulate systems with size ranging between 1-1000 nm. Based on the arrangement of drug and polymer matrix, nanoparticles can be classified into two types nanospheres and nanocapsules . In nanospheres, rugs are either adsorbed or entrapped inside the polymeric matrix. In nanocapsules, drugs are confined to the inner liquid core while the external surface of nanoparticles is covered by the polymeric membrane. polymeric nanoparticles have gained cons iderable attention as potential drug delivery systems due to its targetability to particular organ/tissue and ability to deliver protein and peptide via oral route. Nanoparticles for drug delivery are generally made up of biocompatible and biodegradable polymers obtained from either natural or synthetic source.Natural polymers include chitosan, albumin, rosin, sodium alginate and gelatin while, synthetic polymers include poly (lactic acid) PLA, poly (D, L-glycolide), poly (lactide-co-glycolide), poly (caprolactones) (PCL) and poly (cyanoacrylates). The kinetics of drug release from nanoparticles depends on the strength of hydrophobic interactions between the polymer and drug and polymer degradation rate. The uptake and distribution of nanoparticles depend on its size. Nanoparticles of size 10 nm are utilized for extended circulation, while 100 and 200 nm particles are utilized for passive targeting and intracellular drug delivery respectively.Though nanoparticles have many advantage s over other conventional drug delivery systems certain properties like surface hydrophobicity and surface charge needs to be altered so as to increase the uptake of nanoparticles into cells. This can be done by judiciously manipulating the use of polymers. Coating the nanoparticles with chitosan which is positively charged significantly enhances the uptake and modulates the drug efflux of anticancer agents. Moreover, attachment of poly (ethylene glycol) moieties to the surface of nanoparticles increases the hydrophilicity and hence decreases the uptake by macrophages.Recent studies by Yoncheva et al. concluded that amino-pegylated poly (methyl vinyl ether-co-maleic anhydride) nanoparticles were able to cross the cell membrane of the absorptive enterocytes in a better way. Nanoparticles are characterized by a variety of techniques such as dynamic light scattering (DLS), electron microscopy (TEM or SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), x -ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), powder roentgen ray diffraction (XRD), matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF), and magnetic resonance (NMR).Two technologies can be used to develop such Nanocapsules the interfacial polymerization of a monomer or the interfacial nano deposition of a performed polymer. Solid lipid nanoparticles are developed at the beginning of the 1990s as an alternative carrier system to emulsions, liposomes, and polymeric nanoparticles. They are used in particular in cosmetic and pharmaceutical formulations. A novel nano-particle based drug carrier for photodynamic therapy has been developed.This carrier can provide stable aqueous dispersion of hydrophobic photo-sensitizers yet preserve the key step of photo generation of singlet oxygen, necessary for photodynamic action. Nanoparticles have also found applications as nonviral gene delivery systems. Advantages of nanoparticles a) Longer shelf-stability b) High carrier capacity c) Ability to incorporate hydrophilic and hydrophobic drug molecules d) Can be administered via different routes e) Longer clearance time f) Ability to sustain the release of drug ) Can be utilized for imaging studies h) Increase the bioavailability of drugs i) Targeted delivery of drugs at cellular and nuclear level j) Development of new medicines which are safer k) Prevent the multi-drug resistance mediated efflux of chemotherapeutic agents l) Product life extension Nanocrystals Inorganic crystals that larboard with biologic systems have recently attracted widespread interest in biology and medicine. To explore the feasibility of in vivo targeting by using semiconductor quantum dots (qdots), which are small (

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Stage Fright

Miguel Barvosa-Martinez ENGL 1301-192 Mooney Essay 2 Final 2/22/13 Stage Fright I know, first hand, that being on stop about to perform in front of a big audience is not as many expect. I started doing stand-up comedy over two years ago. The first time ever being on stage, I felt nervous. I felt jittery my fingers were shaking, but it wasnt as bad as having my body paralyzed from nervosity. Fear can bring your body some unexpected responses. I had those butterflies in my stomach, akin I was weightless, as if I were floating.After my first show I discovered stage fright wasnt a problem. I learned that stage fright will come with un promptness, and the lack of repetition. The longer I prepared and the more(prenominal) I practiced my material the better I was off with a successful show. For me to know and be comfortable with my material, I would go over it repeatedly, as if I were at the gym doing sets on the bench press. The more prepared I got myself, the more confident I felt. Per forming my skit with my friends sitting in front of me as if they are the real audience helped my preparedness.Others listening to my material gave me a better feel for my jokes. I would have a list, the bad jokes I would cross out the good ones I would circle. I would ask my friends for feedback, I use it as a way to prepare for the real audiences reaction. My ways of preparing for the event were time consuming. The fact that my performance brought a lot of laughs to the audience, I felt like i was immune to nervosity. Additionally, experience tells me that I need to give myself time to gain confidence. I worked on my material, preparing for a long time, for a show that was months away.Its a long and frustrating process, but in the end I felt proud of myself. The confidence I felt when I first went up on stage was impressive. I felt powerful, like a star, making the audience laugh with well-revised and practiced material. Conclusively, preparation is key, as is practice. The more p repared I was, the more confident , and the more guided I was through the show. Stage fright is something that can happen to just about anyone, but from my experience it can be dodged. Just prepare, and practice.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


Fear is one of the leading reasons that influence flocks decision making in flavour. The dictionary defines fear as, A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger. This feeling, present in everyones life at some point, is more influential than one might think. Everywhere in the world today people live in fear, whether it is terrorism, robbery or something as simple as criticism, this feeling of fear causes people to do unusual things.In Arthur Millers play, The Crucible, fear changes peoples reception to events, affects a group of people differently from an individual, and controls the rumor bin that goes around their society. In The Crucible, fear was a weapon that was used by people to control and distort the citizens minds. People in this play had only one thing that they were afraid of shame brought to their familys name and punishment from a ruling authority, in this case court. For example, Reverend Parris, father of Betty, was holding bac k of telling the town citizens what was going on with his sick daughter.Parris feared how the citizens would react and take him down from the pedestal he stood on since witchcraft was still a possibility for his daughters obscure sickness. He could of told the people what was going on but, with fear, chose to change his reaction and not report it which came back to bite him in the rear. Fear, weather you disagree or not, affect a group of people differently from an individual. By doing so it makes people say things that are not true. When someone is told to confess or they will get hang or whipped to death, their fear of death pushes them to do whatever they hindquarters to avoid this consequence.As Elizabeth, Tituba, and Betty were into trouble from their superiors, they sounded lying by blurting out, I saw finesse Hawkins with the Devil , I saw Goody Bibber with the Devil , and I saw Goody Osburn with the Devil, and putting those peoples lives in danger without them committing a sin. When a societys heart and mind is filled with fear, gossip and rumors start flying through about one another and cause people to turn upon each other. In The Crucible, reverend Hale goes visits the admonisher family and informs them about the rumors and how Elizabeth Proctors name came up about witchcraft.Both reverend Hale and John Proctor were afraid to tell the courts people that all the gossip and rumors they heard was a hoax. They feared that for Elizabeths sake, they were going to get in trouble for letting out the thoughts on their minds and in the case the truth. Agree or disagree, fear is in normal life and people can agree its happened to them one point in their lives. In Arthur Millers The Crucible, it happened to everybody and it gave citizens fear and changed peoples reaction to events, affected groups of people differently from an individual, and controlled the rumor bin that went around their society

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


indistinguishability and Belonging K atomic number 18n Ford May 14, 2012 Skin directed by Anthony Fabian Skin has so much power on so many levels. It is both empowering and crippling. Protagonist Sandra Laing proves to be a survivor, scarce at what salute? She is alienated from her family, her home and her identity operator because of South Africas Population Re propagation Act. For a long time xenophobia, fear and racism have been entangle and hidden indoors government policy. The issues explored in Skin ar no different to those sometimes raised in liaison with British settlement of Australia, the stolen generation and Australias asylum seeker policies.More specifically, a court case last year in which commentator Andrew Bolt was accused of racial vilification stirred on attitudes reflected in Skin. Mr Bolts comments regarding fair-skinned Aboriginal people were found to be in breach of the Racial Discrimination Act. A theme in both the Bolt case and Skin is the way skin c olour is used as a weapon against individuals and their rights as human beings. One of the disabling elements of Skin is that so much of the South African landscape looks so much like the Australian outback.It is ironic that the beauty of the landscape is countered by the evil of racism where the rights of individuals to belong are less valued than the fear of those powerful few. Is the landscape the only aspect we have in common? Sandras suspense What did I do wrong? could also be the question posed by any person rejected and isolated on the basis of diversion. Sandra is neither white nor black, and as a result is denied a happy life. Though the film traces her life over 30 years, with legislative change on the way, a more entrenched culture of discrimination remains.Though the end of the film brings happiness to Sandra, with her tuck shop, doesnt the fact that her two brothers refuse to have march with her suggest a lamentation for true equality and the existence of persecu tion? In some ways, Skin is more about Sandras father than it is about her. He is a very complex character who insists justice be pursued. But what kind of justice is it that is based on denial? Abrahams insistence on having Sandra reclassified white is not so much for her benefit. He admits he is doing it for all of us.To have the young Sandra attend a white school and be subjected to furious media inquiries and to drag her to face a courtroom does not suggest an seeing of her ineluctably as much as his pursuit of legal justice. Abraham needs her to be white to assuage his own black genes and racist philosophy. Working with the Text Skin is all about identity. Sandra is born one thing but taught she is another. Throughout the film she is punished for committing a crime that of being neither black nor white.Perhaps the greatest tragedy is that her own family rejects her because she does not conform to the Afrikaans ways inherent in the National Party to which her family belongs. The nature-nurture divide is reinforced throughout the film and the idea that without connectedness to others there is no me (2011 VCAA English Exam) can be linked to the film in many ways. It is skin that causes tension with her father it is skin that causes her to be humiliated in school and to gravitate towards the black workers on her farm.It is skin that forms an attachment to Petrus, the black employee and first male to show her any sense of happiness and comfort it is skin that ultimately causes her to be abused by her husband and which made her a reference point for the multiracial elections of 1994 and the victory by Mandelas African National Congress. Living among the black community, Sandra is confronted with racism from within a racism created by racism. After the Government Issue destruction of the homes, Sandra and Petrus are exiled into the bush along with the many others exiled on the basis of their skin.One can understand Petrus frustration and malaise as he rejec ts Sandra because she is white. There is truth in his alcohol-infused dirge They treat us like animals and were supposed to believe were human The audience must wonder how anyone is this predicament would feel a sense of belonging. Indeed, several instances in the film reinforce Sandras literal and metaphoric nomadism. She is shown coming to and leaving an environment she is shown walking over the country and back again to find a place where she can belong.Sandra is constantly moving or being moved to find a home. Even at the end of the film, when Sandra is shown happily working inside her rainbow-coloured tuck shop, it is a makeshift accoutrement to her brick unit. So where does that leave the text and the prompt? What does Sandra have connectedness with? How does the film reflect the idea of connection and identity? Sandra wants only to connect. It is those around her who prevent her connection hence preventing her happiness and sense of belonging.Prejudice and bigotry even from her own family are endemic in those who believe there is something wrong in being different, something to pooh-pooh and deride. Throughout the film, though, there is one place where Sandra finds a connection, and that is with other women. Sandra is supported and empowered by the women in the film, including the black workers on the family property. The bond of motherhood connects them and, unheeding of location, women find support in other women. The women pass on her letters.It is her mother who opposes to maintain a relationship with her it is Petrus mother who supports and cuddles her during their exile and it is her mother she seeks out following(a) her abuse. It is the women who reflect the importance of belonging through kindness, compassion and nurturing. The power of women to override the political and cultural divide, and embrace connection, is the empowering force in Skin. In the end, the film confirms that connection does not have to mean a physical or even emo tional connection. It can be a spiritual one, and this is what Skin celebrates.Sandras struggle is less about skin colour than it is about knowing that where we find happiness is where we belong. And for Sandra, that is a simple life helping, caring and supporting those less well(predicate) from her Rainbow Tuck Shop. Identity and Belonging Sample prompts * Conflicts can strengthen our understanding of where we belong. * Belonging enriches and challenges identity. * Choosing not to belong may be detrimental but rewarding. Identity and Belonging quotations list An identity would seem to be arrived at by the way in which the person faces nd uses his experience. (James Baldwin Actor)) From the beginning each human fertilized egg has its own genetic identity. (Robert Casey) The value of identity is that so ofttimes with it comes purpose. (Richard Grant US writer) We all need a past thats where our sense of identity comes from. (Penelope Lively English writer) I think history is in extricably linked to identity. If you dont know your history, if you dont know your family, who are you? (Mary Pipher) We are shaped by our thoughts, we become what we think. (Buddha)You cant change the past but you can change the way you view it. (Anon) To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest achievement. Ralph Waldo Emerson What a man can be he must be. Abraham Maslow Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable. Kenyan Proverb Yes, your home is your castle, but it is also your identity and your possibility to open to others. David Soul US writer We may have different religions, different languages, different coloured skin, but we all belong to the human race. Kofi Annan ex President of the United NationsBeing human signifies, for each one of us, belonging to a class, a society, a country, a continent and a civilization. Claude Levi-Strauss Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is. Baghavid Gita The value of identity is tha t it so often with it comes purpose. Richard R. Grant Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds. George Eliot Topic Sometimes we learn more about ourselves from our enemies than from our friends. When you know who you are, you know where you belong. Without connection to others there is no me. Having a sense of being different makes it difficult to belong.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Looking Back at My Childhood

Looking back on a childhood filled with events and memories, I find it rather difficult to pick on that leaves me with the fabled change and fuzzy feelings. As a first daughter of a workaholic man, I actually felt the half-size sadness of being a child. When my bewilder got home from his work, it was always late In the evening and when I wake- up early in the morning, his still sleeping until my School Bus comes. It always happened. But when hes on vacation, he never falls to surprise me with a bunch of new toys and sweets. He even takes my milliampere and me too Park, Malls, Zoo, etc.When my humble sisters come Into our life, It gets happier. There are times when I together with my sister went to the develop together and my dadaism and mom would fetch us and went to the Ocean Adventure. There were lots of beautiful places that my family goes when vacation. I thought that our family Is perfect, and suddenly my childhood Is roughly my miserable nightmare, because when I was 6-8 years old, I saw e realthing that happens when my mummy and Dad were fighting and I dont make out why. Then when I become 9 years old, I decided to come with my grandparents (which is y mothers side) here in Bucolic.My parents let me to come. So I continue my studies magical spell my mother is see me monthly. Then 1 day, when Im turning 10 years old, my mother together with my miniscule sisters went here in Bucolic. And thats the thing I never realize that they left my Daddy in Manila. And times goes by, my dadaism was visiting us, and my midget sisters continue theyre studies with me. When I turn 1st year high school, thats the time when my dad and mom never see each other again and Dad stop visiting us, precisely all I know is that my Dad is only busy with his job.And suddenly, I heard a higgle about my Daddy, that hes having an affair with his Boss that has been hes last Girlfriend back in their high school days. And therefore my mommy told me that theyre already se parated. And I know everything about my fathers undoings. That when I was still in my mothers womb, Dad is already having different affairs, for short my dad is a simple playboy. And when I already know everything, I changed. I changed a lot that Eve become hard headed, selfish, etc. I even have my very first failing grades. But times went by, everything is perfect again.I learn how to be responsible, appreciate little things, and to aim the fact that nothings perfect In life. And now, I already have a little fellow and a half baby brother and baby sister. Looking Back at My Childhood By Kristin-Moline my father got home from his work, it was always late in the evening and when I wake- happened. But when hes on vacation, he never fails to surprise me with a bunch of new toys and sweets. He even takes my Mommy and me to a Park, Malls, Zoo, etc. When my little sisters come into our life, it gets happier. There are times when I y family goes when vacation.I thought that our family i s perfect, and suddenly my Childhood is nearly my miserable nightmare, because when I was 6-8 years old, I saw everything that happens when my Mom and Dad were fighting and I dont know why. Visiting us, and my little sisters continue theyre studies with me. When I turn 1st year Dad stop visiting us, but all I know is that my Dad is only busy with his Job. And be responsible, appreciate little things, and to accept the fact that nothings perfect in life. And now, I already have a little brother and a half baby brother and baby

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Electromagnetic Radiation and Valence Electrons

Introductory Chemistry, 2e (Tro) Chapter 9 Electrons in Atoms and the Periodic Table True/False Questions 1) When the elements are arranged in order of increasing material body of protons, certain sets of properties recur periodic in ally. 5) A particle of light is called a packet. 9) Ultraviolet light produces suntans and sunburns. 13) Electrons behave the like particles and we can describe their exact paths. 17) The ground state is when an electron in an atom is excited into the final possible vacant orbital. 21) Bromine has 17 valence electrons. 5) The atomic radius of lithium is larger than the atomic radius of nitrogen. Multiple Choice Questions 29) The number of cycles of a wave that passes a stationary point in one second is called its A) wavelength B) frequency C) crest D) trough E) no(prenominal) of the higher up 33) Which color of the visible spectrum has photons with the most muscularity? A) red B) orange C) green D) violet E) yellow 37) Which form of electromagnet ic radiation has the time-consuming wavelength? A) tuner Waves B) Microwaves C) X-rays D) Gamma Rays E) Infrared Radiation 41) Which form of electromagnetic radiation has photons with the lowest energy?A) Radio Waves B) Microwaves C) X-rays D) Gamma Rays E) Infrared Radiation 45) Which statement below does NOT follow the Bohr Model? A) When energy is indifferent by atoms, the electrons are promoted to higher-energy orbits. B) When an atom emits light, electrons fall from a higher orbit into a lower orbit. C) The energy emitted from a relaxing electron can have any wavelength. D) Electrons exist in specific, quantized orbits. E) no(prenominal) of the above 49) How many subshells are there in the n = 4 principal shell?A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) not enough information 53) Which one of the following is the correct orbital diagram for nitrogen? A) v v v v B) v vv v C) v vv D) v v E) none of the above 57) How many electrons are unpaired in the orbitals of nitrogen? 61) How many core electrons are in a chlorine atom? A) 14 B) 5 C) 9 D) 3 E) none of the above A) 1 B) 17 C) 10 D) 7 E) none of the above 65) What do the alkali metals all have in common? A) They all undergo similar reactions. B) They all have similar strong-arm properties. C) They all form +1 ions.D) They all have the same number of valence electrons. E) all of the above 69) The size of an atom generally increases A) down a gathering and from right to left crosswise a period. B) up a group and from left to right across a period. C) down a group and from left to right across a period. D) up a group and from right to left across a period. E) up a group and diagonally across the Periodic Table. 73) Which of the following atoms is the smallest? A) Li B) Be C) B D) O E) Ne Answers 1t 5f 9t 13f 17f 21f 25t 29b 33d 37a 41a 45c 49d 53d 57d 61c 65e 69a

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man

Every child becomes an adulta boy to a spell, a girl to a woman. In the novel, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, published in 1916 by an Irish writer, James Joyce illustrates the protagonist, Stephen Dedalus, and his journey to seek for identity. While the title of the novel insinuates that the protagonist is passage to become an artist, the novel also portrays Stephens sense of isolation that comes from the ambiguity and bewilderment that he experiences with his family, society, and country. As the novel begins, Stephan is still unripe and because of a lack of knowledge and experience, he fells small and weak.Stephen goes through a severe portrayal of the injustices and intricacy of childhood as a child trying to grasp a clear image of the world Joyce depicts the impression of a child in a world regulate for adults. When Stephen turned to the flyleaf of the geography and read Sallins/ Country Kildare/ Ireland/ Europe/ The World/ The Universe, (Joyce, 13) thinking ab kayoed t he boundaries of the universe, Stephen attempts to identify himself by placing himself in the world by his geographic position.In addition, when he contemplates the overwhelming ideas of God and the limits of his political knowledge, which seems to be so significant to the adults. This shows the reader the isolation Stephen feels as a young child from the world. In short, this essay lead analyze how Stephen alienation with his environment affects him to finds his own identity as an artist. During Stephens childhood, he feels isolated more(prenominal) in relation to his family and the society.When Stephen encounters into the duty of revealing the rector that Father Dolan has been inequitable with him at the Clongowes Wood College, he comes to a decision non take any actions at atomic number 53 point. No, it was best to hide verboten of the way because when you were small and young you could often escape that way, (48) Stephen thinks about his colleagues in the burst when he is questioned whether he will go to the rector or not. In this scene, Stephen understands the childrens world.He knows that fellows tells him to go, but they would not go themselves (48). However, laterwards he tells the rector about Father Dolan, level(p) though his fellows cheer for Stephens bravery and semi to be here, he soon becomes alone. He was happy and free but he would not be anyway proud with Father Dolan. He would be very quiet and obedient and he wished that he could do something kind for him to show him that he was not proud (51) it states, emphasizing that Stephen knew that nothing would hange and the fact that he felt weak and small after alla sense of isolation from his colleagues and adults. Soon after he experiences the sense of isolation from his colleagues, Stephen is introduced to the change in Dedalus financial situation. Moving into a cheerless foretoken (57) in Dublin with his family, Stephan recognizes that his father is the cause for he is a financial f ailure. This allows Stephen to become self cognizant and acrimonious, humiliated by the change of fortune (58).Illustrating the Dedalus first night in their new hall, where the parlor dispatch would not draw and the half furnished uncarpeted room was bathed in a bare cheerless house (57) makes Stephens heart heavy (57) with the intuition and foreknowledge (57) that it is his father who is responsible for the decline. Furthermore, Stephen starts to feel separated from his father. despite the fact that Simon Dedalus is unsuccessful to manage the familys financial needs, he his somwhat anxious of his childrens quality of education.Yet, Simon lets down in the mouth Stephen by treating Stephens collision with Father Conmeea triumphant moment in Stephens young smellwith a hearty laugh (63) with his friends This event makes Stephen to feel degraded and patronized by his elders, thence starts to isolate himself from his father. Prior to analyzing the relationship between Stephens iso lation to seek for his identity, it is important to note some(prenominal) backgrounds on Ireland.Around the time in which this novel was published, Ireland was colonized by England until April 24, 1916. (Parnell and Davitt) During the period of colonization by the Britain, along with the political tensions between the two nations, there was also a religious tension between the Catholics and the Protestants. Basically, the Catholics, including Joyce, were the Irish who supported Irish license and contrary to this were the Protestants who wished to continue join with Britain. Fearghal McGarry) By the time Joyce was born, the Irish independence movementthe Fenian Movementwas wide-spreading by an Irish ultranationalistic, Charles Stewart Parnell however, his longstanding affair with a married woman caught, causing many followers to reject him as a leader and the Catholic church to condemn him. (Parnell and Davitt) This diachronic event can be seen within the sur spirit of the novel and microscopicly in the Christmas dinner scene when Stephans relatives are discussing about politics. To sum up, such humiliating troubles within the country drive possibly caused Stephen to isolate himself from Ireland.In chapter 3, Joyce describes the isolation of the Catholic boy from his home country, Ireland. Stephen, who has been frequenting prostitutes, has lost faith. Stephens soul was fattening an congealing into a coarse grease, plunging ever deeper in its dull fear into a somber threatening dusk while the remains that was his stood, listless and dishonoured, gazing out of darkened eyes, helpless, perturbed, and human for a bovine god to stare upon, (98) it says, to show the knowingness of Stephens sins and his dishonoured body causes this moment of dull horror.Because Stephen feels sinful, it triggers him to dream of hell, a field of stiff weeds and thistles and tufted nettle-buncheswith knock about canisters and clots and coils of solid excrement. (120) And the narrator continues, An evil smell, faint and foul as the light, curled upwards sluggishly out of the canisters and from the stale crusted dung, (120) giving the reader grotesque scenery with, Goatish creatures with human faces, hornybrowed, lightly bearded and colour as indiarubberthat moves in the field, hither and in that location (120).The goats wandering in this scene are symbols of animalistic, primal, and bestial agriculture of Ireland that manipulates the youths with language. As well as the murmuring sounds and the soft language (120) of the goats, the usage of the repetition of hither and thither also represents the hollow voices that are spoken from the adults to Stephen to become an Irishmen.Joyce claims that this culture of Ireland, adults bringing up children with hollow voices, have been rooted long ago and will be everlasting, which can be seen as he describes the goats, moving in slow circles, circling closer and closer to enclose, their long swishing tail besmear ed with stale shite, thrusting upwards their terrific face (120). Recognizing Ireland as a dead country, Stephen begins to show clear detachment from his country. Stephens schoolmate, Mat Davin insists Stephen to become one of us, to declare his Irish nationality and to stop searching for potentials from England and France of artistic muse.In a revealing conversation, Davin asks Stephen if he is even Irish. Here, Davin comprehends an Irishmen as a nationalist who desires Ireland to become independent from England, the colonizer. In other words, Davin way of life being united with the people rather than standing back from them with a sneer. On the other hand, for Stephen, though, being Irish means being all that he is, containing all the contradictions of a colonized subject. The soul is born, Stephen said vaguely, first in those moments I told you of. It has a slow and dark birth, more mysterious than the birth of the body.When the soul of a man is born in this country there are ne ts flung at it to hold it back from flight. You talk to me of nationality, language, religion. I shall try to fly by those nets, (179) Stephen says, explaining the chances taken he is aware of as an heir in Ireland to his nationalist colleague, Davin. Rather than viewing the Fenian Movement as a potential for artistic inspiration, Stephen inspects the situation of Irish life as a downside. Stephen gradually becomes emotional through this conversation and initiate to treat it quite roughly, as he questions Davin, Do you know what Ireland is? asked Stephen with cold violence. Ireland is the old sow that eats her farrow, (179). Here, Stephan metaphorically stresses that Ireland destroys its won children a fate he wishes to avoid. Therefore, Irelands thwarted sense of nationhood devours Irishmen. To sum up, for Stephen, Ireland is a trap, restricting his independence and identity. In the last sections of the novel, Stephens seems to have settled his mind and ascetics about the world, a nd ready to isolate himself from his pastfamily, friends, , Irelandto gain freedom.When Stephen has a conversion with Cranly, Stephens best friend at the university, Stephen says, Look here, Cranly, you have asked me what I would do and what I would not do. I will tell you wat I will do and what I will not do. I will not serve that in which I no longer believe, whether it call itself my home, my fatherland, or my church and I will try to express myself in some mode of life or art as freely as I can and as wholly as I can, using for my defense the only arms I allow myself to use silence, exile, and cunning. (218) Here, finally, Stephen demonstrates a clear and precise understanding of who he is. He is defined by his artistic goals and by his idealistic ambition to be true to his beliefs. While Joyce ends the novel at the point where Stephen departs from Ireland, this may be an interesting question for the reader to consider of after leaving his country, how will Stephen see his hom e country when time passes? Work Cited Books Joyce, James, tin Paul.Riquelme, Hans Walter Gabler, and Walter Hettche. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Contexts, Criticism. New York W. W. Norton, 2007. Print. lucre McGarry, Fearghal. The Irish fight of Independence a A Religious War? Part I. The Irish War of Independence a A Religious War? Part I. WPSHOWER & MOODYGUY, 2010. Web. 19 Mar. 2012. . Parnell and Davitt. Irish Identity. Web. 20 Mar. 2012. .

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Professionals Paid To Much

Ever since contracts began in maestro sports the damage of athletes has continued to rise. So why be athletes worth so much? And where does all the property come from? It is all about the revenue, a police squadsrevenue determines how much they mass pay their players. Athletes deserve their pay be mother they argon whatever of the hardest casting hatful and be the cornerst star of a business that makes billions of dollars. Athletes be approximately of the highest state non all in the United States save possibly in the world. But it hasnt always been that way.When contracts in professional sports first began athletes were bargonly making becoming to pay for their meals. They were compensable in the argona of twenty dollars a week. Even though that was in the primeval 1900s it still wasnt much. And ever since the sports entertainment industry became popular around that time degree salaries skyrocketed. For example, in the 1920s legendary baseball player Babe Ruth earned more in one year than the president of the U. S. at the time. Since then athletes go out been taking the capital and running with it. Athletes ar compensable so much because they are the focal point of these multi-billion dollar industries.Their success determines the success of the whole groupsfranchise, and if the team doesnt have any success theyll be no money for anyone to make. Although it may not look like it, professional athletes are some of the hardest working people around, not only physically but mentally as well. They barf their bodies through vigorous training and deserve every penny they earn. Although anathletesseason is only a couple of months out of the year, they fag outt just start getting ready a couple of weeks before the start of the season. They train year round to redeem their bodies in shape. They work 6 to seven days a week for up to fifteen hours a day.Vacations are rare they dont get much time off, and they are always in the public eye , which can be quite stressful. They maintain their bodies so that they are able to compete at the highest level possible. They do this to view that when game time comes they are physically able to perform for the fans, which is their main goal besides winning, to keep ratings high and maintain their high priced salaries without question. Teams can afford to pay their players so much because the sports industry is a 90 billion dollar industry and athletes incomes are only five portion of that.This is so because as each team gains more and more success the value of that team goes up and when the teams value is up, they attract more media attention which results in more fans. More fans subject matter more money spent on tickets, team apparel, and concessions during the game. Sports are a form of entertainment, and when people are entertained they continue to be interested, and read their support by attending games or watching them on television system or listening by radio The beauty of it is that the table service of sports can be consumed by more than one individual per unit time.Think about it, a stadium of people watching A-Rod consumes his service at the same time, which means his service is available to thousands of people in unison. Factor in television and youve got a service available to billions of people all at once (Reece). This is relevant becauseunlike athletes most jobs do not provide a service to millions of people so their not going to be stipendiary as if they are. And since a team can provide a service to so many another(prenominal) people they can pay their players as much as possible. Unfortunately, sometimes teams do not always have the success they want from their players, and have to search for new ones to get the job done. So what can teams do to make them selves more likely to win? Perhaps the primary way is to employ divulge player talent (Doc). Having better players improves your chances of winning, and winning leads to lar ger team revenue, sothat better players can continue to be signed making the team much better. The effects of paying athletes too much can become an issue because athletes are realizing that they can earn more money than they ever thought could.Each time a playerscontract is up, they are all traded, released or renegotiate a new contract. Most of the time during negotiations athletes will demand more money than the team is willing to pay, because they know if they stick to what they want they will eventually get it. Players will go to extreme measures to obtain a sizeable contract, to the extent that they will holdout. Meaning they separate themselves from the team. Causing them to exclude mandatory meetings, practices, and team functions, which are critical to a teams success.Some holdouts even go into the sports season, causation them to miss games, all which the player is fined thousand of dollars for. When it goes as far as that, some players will start to criticize the tea ms management in the media causing even more of a problem. These holdouts cause friction with team management, coaches, players and affect the team directly. This is why some believe that athletes are spoiled and undeserving of the money their paidand should not be looked up to. Anderson says that, The off fieldbehavior of many athletes allegedly demonstrates that we should not be paying great sums of money to people who are not proper rolemodels for our children. Anderson is one of many who feel that way about athletes, and will not be the last person to address the subject. Yes, professional athletes and actors are paid to much. Professional athletes and actors get paid a substantial amount of money for one game, or movie. While our men and women in the United States Military are struggling to feed their families.It is a sad commentary on our societal values that these entertainers are taking in seven million dollars a years or more. While teachers, police officers, and fire shin ers make less than one percent of the income of some athletes and actors. Even if an athlete or actor is having a bad seaon they still recieve at that place contract ensured pay. Although some people would say, There is a long and tough way towards becoming a great and the known sports star or movie star. It not only requires persistent efforts but also talent. Few people on this field could accomplish great things like them.As a reward, they deserve a higher compensation. On other hand, a Staff Sergeant (E6) in the United states Army makes an average of $28,285 a year. These are men and women on the front line difending our Country. They are not acting on a telivision show or playing a game. Professional athletes and actors should not be paid more than our men and women who fight for our Country. If a soldiers gets hurt his or hers pay is almost cut in half. If a professional athlete gets hurt they are still paid an overly substantial amount of money.When an actor gets sicks the y will put the film they are making on hold. While the actor still is getting paid millions of dollars. The work professional athletes and actors do may be hard, but just for our entertainment it is not worth the price they a paid. The amount of money they make every year is ridiculous. Our soldiers do not get paid half of what an actor or a profession athlete do. In conclusion yes professional athletes and actors are paid to much. Now ill tell you why they should be payed so much. movie and sports stars certainly are under a great deal of pressure.The first pressure is that they are always at jeopardize of injuries and also accidents. movie studios and sports teams get a large amount of money from their starss work. Filmmakers get money from the sale of movie tickets, while spectators have to pay money to watch a sports match. In fact, there is a high difference between the revenue of producer and the money that actors are paid. For example, Mission unfeasible 4, a movie released in 2011, had grossed nearly $700,000,000 worldwide (Box Office Mojo Online). However, the main actor Tom sail was paid only $12,000,000 (Statistic Brain Online, 2012).Not only that but also the stars trademark brings a great deal of value to sponsors. Some stars become advertising tools of their teams or their companies, whereas some others share their royal line images with the owners. An example is that Cristiano Ronaldo, a soccer star, who gets $30 million each year in various endorsements, has to curb to a 64 split of this money with his club Real Madrid (Jamie Sanderson, 2012). Therefore, if movie and sports stars driving force a lot of money on their managements, it will be not fair if they get paid less.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Limited partnership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Limited partnership - Essay ExampleOne partner may be two a general and particular(a) partner. When this is the case, all the rights and responsibilities that confine to a general partner also apply to him. However, the contribution that such a partner gives is protected in law just like that of any(prenominal) other limited partner.The limited partner only has interest in the property of the business. Should such a partner participate in the management of the business, they may risk losing their status as a limited partner, and thereby be liable for any debts in the company. Participating in the management of the business does non include any advice that such a partner gives to a general partner on matters that match to the business.The limited partner has an entitlement to inspect the records of the partnership at a reasonable time. They are also authorise in law to any piece of information regarding the partnership. Due to the fact that the limited partners are not allowed to participate in the running of the business, the general partners owe them a fiduciary

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Detecting preventing or mitigating DoS or Distributed DoS attacks Research Paper

Detecting preventing or mitigating DoS or Distributed DoS attacks - Research Paper ExampleThis process requires a large intercommunicate of computers running malicious program. To acquire the network, the attacker uses software that recruits vulnerable computers (Glen, 2013). That is, the computers with improperly patched antivirus, out of betrothal antivirus and without antivirus (FU, 2012).To recruit utensils into his/her DDoS attack, the attacker may follow several processes. Firstly, the attacker may use a machine infected with malicious programs to search, find, and infect another machine (Patrikakis, Masikos, & Zouraraki, n.d.). The infected machine joins the previous in the haunt of the unprotected machine and infects them. Secondly, the attacker may create a long list of the machine he/she want to recruit before infecting them with the malicious software to make them join his/her army of attacking computers (Glen, 2013 Patrikakis, Masikos, & Zouraraki, n.d.).Notably, mor e or less public servers, when compromised, become effective to the attacker when creating the hit list (Patrikakis, Masikos, & Zouraraki, n.d.). For instance, the attacker may run topological scan where one machine is infected and finds other machine to infect through url it stores (UMUC, 2012). Local subnet examine uses a compromised host to attack another computer within its own network without firewall detection as it uses the information stored in the local addresses (UMUC, 2012). Lastly, permutation scanning infects the machines allocated a regular pseudorandom combination record of IP addresses (Patrikakis, Masikos, & Zouraraki, n.d.). It searches for uninfected machine in the IP addresses and infect it. When it identifies the infected machine, it jumps over it to the uninfected (UMUC, 2012). The process loot when the infected machine finds several infected machines while it scans (Patrikakis, Masikos, & Zouraraki, n.d.).There are various frames used in the wireless network as a way of

Monday, May 13, 2019

Organization Theory, Design and Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Organization Theory, Design and Change - Essay ExampleThe process of alteration occurs when organizations make an undertake to move towards a state of increased profitability and proficiency compared to its present situation. The organizational structure only when illustrates the organizations chain of command how and through whom messages/orders/information passes through in order to mountain chain its destination, typically from top to bottom i.e. originating from the CEO. The management comprises of individuals who creates a culture which describes the attitudes, beliefs and values these individuals possess. The organizations culture is a accrual of specific norms and values shared by the people in the organization which has a strong electrical shock towards the way they interact internally i.e. with each other, and externally i.e. with the stakeholders. The organizational theory, design, change, culture and structure are unlike systems of inter-related roles which support each other towards the process of achieving the organizations goals and success. These elements, through interaction, eventually evolve over time and influence each other as the entire organization grows which means that the organizational theory, design, culture, change and structure are interdependent.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Requlatory Processes and Administrative Law Essay

Requlatory Processes and Administrative Law - Essay lawsuitYou may identify current events/situations relevant to any particular aspect of ethical behavior in public management.Actual societal Security benefits may vary depending on actual work history and income ( loving Security Income Calculator, 2010, p. 1). This is as it should be obviously some peerless who worked all their lives is not going to receive the same amount of Social Security as someone who neer worked a day in their life or never paid into the system.If one person had diabetes and another person had heart failure, but the doctor said, Well, this person has diabetes so Im going to prescribe diabetes medication for everyone, then obviously the person who had heart failure would not be properly treated.3. Under the current administration, which theory provides the near insight in terms of effective constitution implementation Why Based on these theories, how do we know policy implementation is occurringThe theory that most effectively provides insight into effective policy implementation is policy which does not lack speculative underpinning (Hargrove, 1981, p. 1). Obamas theoretical underpinning was change. This is what he so effectively managed to focus on during his campaign. It is no surprise that his determination is paying forth with regard to effecting social change. 4. In your opinion, on which should a leadership evaluation focus, efficiency or effectivity WhyLeadership should always focus on effectiveness. Efficiency may be slow, but if any(prenominal) one does is effective, the means or efficiency needed to get to the effective end, effectively, ceases to matter as much. Therefore, one should focus on the results, not how the results came about.REFERENCESHargrove, E.C. (1981). The search for implementation theory.Available http//eric.ed.gov80/ERICDocs/data/ericdocs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/2e/3e/0f.pdf.Social Security income calculator. (2010). Available